Ripoff Report Complaint

A Forever Recovery

Submitted 7/24/2013


Please do not send your loved ones here!  Research local rehab centers with a medical staff.

These people are preying on hurting families with such a false face of love and reassurance. They are LIARS, or they really believe the garbage they are told by management.  They refresh their staff constantly, during my husband's stay 6 employees were fired including his case worker.

When you have a loved one that is needing immediate help you reach out to people.  This company has their scripts down in the way they reassure you.  The process of getting my husband into the facility was very easy; Same day.  They stated that insurance would cover the stay except for the Copay of $3000.  The only way they would cover his stay would require a stay of more than 45 days. If I removed my husband before the 45 days I would be held responsible for $13,000. That was stated several times.  No matter how long he stayed I have to pay anyway, so that was slick.   

 Blue Cross will not cover this company at all.--there is a reason for that.  Of course I was so excited for my husband to get the help he needed. 

We drove 3 hours to take my husband that night and I financed the copay--due to addiction I was the only employeed person in my home.  They did not give me a copy of the papers I signed.  Next, I said good bye to my husband and drove away.  Later I found out they drove him to another location for detox, which was not told to me.  It was a dreary building in downtown Battlecreek.  Peeling paint, part time workers with no experience, actually they were former addicts. No doctor on site at all. They kept him there for two weeks. I was told that he would be in the facility I was shown so he could take advantage of the sauna, and exercise room.  LIES! 

After the two weeks he was introduced into the general population( like prison).  In the mean time I was calling my Insurance company getting more information on what would be covered.  The company "A Forever Recovery" or "Best Rehab" is not registered with my Insurance.  They will not cover at all.  LIES Again!

Please do not send your loved ones here!  Research local rehab centers with a medical staff.