I just signed a petition online! April 14, 2020
I just signed a petition to support amending Michigan’s Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination against LGBTQ Michiganders. And I did it without leaving my Florida condo.
I learned of this opportunity from a story in Michigan Advance this morning. It says
You can sign the petition at this site. This is what you will see:
I signed easily using my laptop and mouse. Doing so with a cell phone might be more difficult.
This is a huge advance for direct democracy. HUGE! Being able to conduct voter initiatives online will make the whole process easier and cheaper - no paying signature gatherers, no stacks of paper petitions. Petition signers' names and addresses can immediately be checked against voter registration files and if there is a problem, they can be instructed online how to fix it.
Ten years ago, I attempted to launch a petition drive to eliminate the state Senate, repeal the Public Employment Relations Act, ban collective bargaining for state employees and make Michigan a right-to-work state. I got the petitions approved by the Board of State Canvassers, but that is as far it went. The website still exists. At that time, I thought there must be a way to automate the process. All I could come up with was making the petition form available for download online so the voter could print it off, sign it, maybe collect a few other signatures, and mail it in. But that was a lot to expect, especially with an 8 1/2 by 13 inch form.
The smart tech entrepreneur should be racing to write the software for a comprehensive online voter initiative system. Since signature-gathering firms charge from $2 to 4 million, a well-designed system would be worth a lot of money to groups wanting to put a proposal before the voters.
See also:
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