Public Policy
  Analysis, opinion & ideas from Steve Harry



Retirement board meeting minutes gone missing

July 20, 2021


I don't like change, and I especially don't like the re-design of the City of Lansing's website. I went looking for the minutes of the retirement board meetings today and found none. On this page, there are links to the agendas & minutes of the Employees Retirement System Board and the Police & Fire Retirement Board of Trustees:



When I click Employees Retirement System Board, I get Employees' Retirement System Reports, not agendas & minutes:



When I click on Police & Fire Retirement Board of Trustees, I get agendas, but no minutes:



I tried unsuccessfully to find the Retirement Board meeting minutes about 3 weeks ago, so on July 2, I emailed a FOIA request:

  This is a Freedom of Information Act request. I would like the board meeting minutes for the February-May meetings of the Police and Fire and ERS Retirement Systems. Or you could tell me where to find them on the City's website.  


Having received no response, today I emailed a reminder and the reply was "I am sorry, this got buried in the Holiday weekend. You will be receiving an extension letter shortly, and the records as soon as we receive them."


If they can find them.


This is another example of how well the City is being run under the leadership of Mayor Andy Schor.


I routinely obtain retirement board meeting minutes so I can post them on this website. I've got them going back to 2010:

Employees Retirement System minutes

Police & Fire Retirement System minutes

Joint meeting minutes

The minutes provide information I use to maintain an ongoing list of retirees along with their position, retirement date, age, and years of service:

ERS retirees

Police Department retirees

Fire Department retirees

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