Narconon Reviews


From the Narconon Reviews website:



We are a small but passionate group of volunteers who repeatedly heard worrisome stories about Narconon. We set out to determine if the stories we were hearing were true, and began collecting our own documents, then looked around the web to see what else there was. What we found were small collections of documents and other information scattered around the internet which corroborated what we had heard, but were difficult to keep track of. We decided to collect these documents and add them to our own growing collection. We saw confusion surrounding Narconon among those who had been there, felt cheated or worse, and lacked the knowledge or resources to complain or get their money refunded; and we saw new customers signing on with Narconon through an elaborate network of referral sites posing as being unbiased when they are not. We decided to do something about that too, and Narconon Reviews was born.



The website has 3 sections especially relevant to Per Wickstrom and his Michigan facilities: