
Ballot Initiatives

Eliminate the Senate

Repeal PERA


End Collective Bargaining for State Employees

Tax Savings

The Plan

Petition Drive Management System

Business Plan

How You Can Help

Ballot Question Committee



Michigan Constitution

Do Your Own Petition

In the News

About Us

How You Can Help

If you would like to help with any of the following, email us at transformmichigan@gmail.com.

Petition circulators. We are going to pay people to collect signatures, so if you'd like to earn some money, check back with us in March 2011. You will be able to enroll as a petition circulator and earn $1 per valid signature. We will start collecting signatures April 15, 2011 and continue until early November. You must be a U.S. citizen, a resident of Michigan, and age 18 or older.

Office staff. Although we plan to pay people to collect signatures, we will need volunteers to work in our office in Lansing. Work will start in early April 2011, when we mail out packages of materials to the petition circulators, and by the end of April, we will need volunteers to process the returned petitions. Work will continue through November 2011.

Contribute financially. We are going to need about $2.5 million to fund this petition drive (see Budget), and we won't move forward unless we have $2 million in the bank by mid March, 2011. You can contribute now, but if you'd prefer to wait until March, please let us know as soon as possible how much you plan to contribute.

Professional fundraiser. We need someone who knows how to reach the people who would be interested in supporting this effort with big contributions.

Accountant. We need someone to serve as the committee treasurer - someone to keep track of receipts and expenditures, do the banking, and prepare the periodic reports that go to the Secretary of State.

Website designer. This website so far is the work of a self-taught amateur. We need someone who really knows what they are doing so we can use the Internet to the fullest. Some expertise in social networking might be helpful.

Systems analyst/engineer. We will need computer systems to keep track of our petition circulators, count petition signatures, and produce weekly paychecks. We need someone to design and program those systems and determine the appropriate platform to run them on.

Legal expert. We need someone with legal or legislative background to help with the language of the proposals. We've drafted the petitions, but the language can be changed right up until they go to print next April.

Petition drive manager. It would be nice to have someone on board who has done this before, knows how to run a petition drive, and is willing to take charge.

Ideas and advice. Any ideas you have on how to conduct this petition drive successfully are appreciated. See About Us for how to contact us.

Locations. It is going to be difficult for a circulator to carry around 4 different petition forms, with extra copies for different counties. Better to set up a table and let the people come to us. For that, we will need locations - properties where we have permission to set up a table large enough to spread out several petition forms. These "signature stations" need to be located where there is a lot of foot traffic, or on a busy street where there is plenty of parking.

Office space. We need a main office where we can assemble and mail petition packages to circulators and process returned petitions.